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Giving Special Children Tools to Excel in North Carolina:

brain fitness

Betsy Foreman teaches in a school district that has integrated several Autistic children into mainstreamed classrooms, & Betsy & her colleagues have learned new skills to ensure their special students achieve success and growth in the classroom.

toy boxAfter working with administrators, occupational therapists and Autism experts, Betsy and her colleagues identified a list of materials that would benefit these kids.

Providing School Supplies to Children in Ethiopia:

Sity donated over 100 sets of school supplies to the children in Ms. Sink’s after-school program. Now much needed writing supplies are being distributed to some of Addis Ababa’s most needy students.

schoolWhen Sity employee, Miriam Surafel learned that Cary Sink, an educator from North Carolina, was moving to Ethiopia to teach, she asked Ms. Sink if there was anything her students needed. A native of Ethiopia herself, Surafel understands that some children in her home country face desperate poverty and wanted to help. Sink, who teaches at Bingham Academy in the capital city of Addis Ababa, graciously accepted the offer, but felt the donation would be most needed by the street children who participate in her after-school club.

ethio schoolMany of these children work in the market outside the sheltered Academy, and cannot afford simple items like pens and pencils. “There is one little boy” she wrote, “that shines shoes outside our gate to make enough money to provide for his brothers and sisters because his parents are both deceased.”